
Satvam – Satsangatve Nissangatvam

“…Swami’s Love is Love of a Thousand Mothers…”

“…Dearest Sai is our Mother, Father, Preceptor, Friend, Guide and our Everything…”

“…Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s Life is our Message…”

These lines are expressions of the Bliss and Love that we share as Sai Family, Satsang means to be in good company, to be able to talk and share Divine experiences and how Swami reassures each of us through His Leelas and Abundant Grace in daily lives reduces the physical distance of thousands through the Sri Sathya Sai National Leadership Programme’s very own Satsang series titled, Satsangatve Nissangatvam. 

This series hosts an array of speakers from all walks and talks of life sharing their journey with Swami and thus far in their careers never failing to inspire and ignite aspirations to the viewers. Personalities ranging from Civil Servants, Professionals, Indian Govt Representatives, Renowned Musicians, Spiritual Gurus and so on share their time and thoughts on weekends through this course.

Satsangatve Nissangatvam sessions occur weekly and help tie together all the other distinctive parts of the programme with the spirit of Bhakti Rasa..

Watch all Satsang sessions till date

2022 Satsang Videos

2021 Satsang Videos

2020 Satsang Videos